Discover Growth Opportunities

And Make Data-Driven Decisions

Count on Datacam’s proprietary technology and retail solutions to make data-driven decisions, providing an immediate ROI.

Improve Efficiency And Incident Reporting

Datacam Maximizes Your 3 Biggest Assets




Improve Employee Performance

With Employee Level Data

Monitor employee ranking and insights

Gauge employee downtime

Keep track of employee sales and customer conversions based on customers attended

Highlight time clock variances using employee camera time

Improve Customer Interaction
Maximize Conversion Rates
Observe/Oversee interaction & conversion time
Minimize customer wait time
Monitor customer dwell time
Reduce the number of unattended customers
Increase Location Performance

With Access To Unrivaled Data

Make data-driven decisions

Organize schedules to peak hours

Utilize location-level customer conversion reports

Monitor location idle time
How To Access Your Data
Scatter Map

A visual representation of traffic & conversions, allowing you to visualize and compare locations’ performance.

Customized Dashboards
A decision making platform that is fully customizable, giving insights into the most important sales & operational matrices for your business.

Monitor your conversion rates.

Optimize your opportunities with Datacam